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A Subsidiary of BCK Alliance
See what people are saying about BCK!

Host Family Testimonials"I have been working with BCK the past year now and we have a very good working relationship. When we first began working together, Bin was willing to share all that she knew with me in order to help me become a successful host parent. Whenever I have questions or concerns about students, Bin always contacts me and gives me advice and direction as far as what I need to do in each situation. BCK provides support to our home and translates important documents such as: doctor’s papers, report cards, progress reports, or letters of discipline. They communicate with the parents in China so that they can better understand what is happening with their children. My experience overall has been very positive and I look forward to many more years working together." - Host Niki "We like to work with BCK, very easy to communicate and have done a lot for the students." - Host Mark "We have worked with a few agents , BCK is the best agent in my option, BCK really care about students." - Host Lily
Partners TestimonialsWe have always found Bin and her agency to be honest, dedicated and caring with the international students brought to our school. Bin is very responsive to the needs of the students as well as the needs of our school, and we deeply value our relationship with her and her colleagues. As we continue to build and maintain our International Student program , we look to Bin to bring us high quality students who can be successful in our program. We depend on them to not only bring capable students to our school, but to provide for them once they get here…. Martha K./Asst. Principal for Academics/ International Student Coordinator- RCHS . . . You have always been a pleasure to partner with and that brings joy to the prospect of connecting with you . . . Linda Schmitt VP Strategic Initiatives- Pillar College
Parents of Students TestimonialsZH 跟我说了,说你对他很好,对他帮助很大,把他当作亲人一样照顾,他也说你是他在美国的亲人,感谢你给我很好的建议。。 -ZH Dad ZH told me you took care of him as if he was family. He considers you as his relative in the United States. Thank you for the good advice… -ZH Dad A student’s Dad- You are great with the students.You assume the responsibility of the parents.You are like the bridge connecting us.Thank you for providing reassurance when our children are away in America over the past years. Thank you!- A student’s Dad- 你在她成长的路上已经帮她很多了。 - JW mom You've helped her a great deal while she was growing up.- JW mom 您的帮助起到了关键的作用!初到美国,被她弄得头都痛了。情形一切都过去了,孩子收获更多!无论是学业,还是生活! - JY mom Your help has played a key role! When she first came to America, it caused me headache. I am glad it has all passed.She has learned not just in School, but more importantly in Life!- JY mom 各方面都有进步!这两年真的谢谢有您在她身边! - SY mom She has progressed in all areas. Thank you for being with her these past two years. - SY mom 谢谢你!感觉他还是成长了。WJ要上大学了,远离了你,我是真心舍不得!我希望能过来看你,真心的和你当面道谢! -WJ mom Thank you!I feel he has grown. I am reluctant to leave you since he is moving on.Please let me come to visit you to thank you in person.-WJ mom 。。。转学了,您还能管他吗? 没你我心里不踏实。。我请求你一直监管他。。- WZ mom- Can you please continue to manage our son after he transfer to another school? I am not sure if we can do it without you. Please keep an eye on him. - WZ mom- 谢谢你欣赏和鼓励她,这几年我只是远程妈妈,有您的帮助,她才能身心健康成长!-TL mom - Thank you BCK for being a great teacher, encouraging my daughter, helping her as she grows up physically and mentally, while I am so far away. - TL mom- 她从一个被娇惯的孩子到了今天独立自主懂事的18懂事大姑娘,点点滴滴,多少过往故事,不仅SL长大了,我也经历成长了,一路有BCK的费心照顾,千言万语不说了,总之非常感谢!! -SL mom- SL has grown a lot over the past four years under BCK’s care, from the spoiled child to the independent and sensible 18 year-old-girl today. Besides our daughter, I feel I have also experienced growth with your help. I can’t say enough, but in short, THANK YOU! -SL mom- 他们遇到BCK也是幸运,都是很正面的引导,还耐心有办法,总对他们有帮助。。- YT mom- Students are very lucky to have BCK who is patient, organized, helpful and provide positive guidance. - YT mom- Bin 既有知识又有涵养,还有一颗善良聪慧的心。孩子托付给你,不知道有多安心呢!感谢无以言表啊!- CT mom- Bin is knowledgeable, kind, intelligent, good teacher. I am very comfortable I can trust BCK with my child. What more can I say except THANK YOU! - CT mom-
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